Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 22: You Know Your Serving in France When You Find a Snail in Your Fridge

Why helllooo there!!!!

So ummm yeah, there was a snail in our fridge this week. We couldnt decide if we wanted to eat it or not :)

Other than the snail in the fridge, you would never know that we're living in France because we are going to have a total of 4 baptisms within 10 days of each other!! What the what? Are you sure I'm serving in paris? So are you ready for a story???

So with Soeur Hilton being sick and all.....Ive been getting really really homesick because I've just had time to think, and ya its not good. Im sooo grateful that she's feeling better but I need to regain my motivation and she's been still having mad headaches, so we arent at full force. Yesterday night we had a completely empty schedule, so we definitely did some FINDING! We've been focusing on finding families as a mission because it is really what the church needs here....side note, the night before we did porting and we came out dry with nothing and it was a bummer. So last night we were walking down the street and it was SOOOO HOT, and sooooo humid. We just feel like were completely drenched in sweat the whole day and night. But we were frustrated and Soeur hilton wasnt feeling well and so we decided to take a break and sit down and eat an orange. Then all of a sudden it started POURING..... Like mad. So we found this tinsy tree to sit under and we were just getting SOAKED!  Ya okay, that's not starts to hail like bigger than the size of quarters. Just HUGE. We saw a little covering on the other side of the street and were going to make a run for it but we decided that the hail was too big so we just covered each other and hoped not to get hurt too bad. Then a car stopped and said GET IN GET IN! It was a man with his 4 children and he just said,
"Where do I take you??" and we just started talking and we were like thank you thank you..... he said, "its the least I can do for you sisters!" and I was like what? "How do you know us??" Ends up he talked to the missionaries a few years ago and lost contact. He read the Book of Mormon and did lots of traveling in San Jose and Portland! We were like... THAT'S WHERE WE'RE FROM! He was so excited and his kids loved us and were going to go visit them tomorrow!!

So we felt pretty bad for being downers and all....because God just took care of us big time and blessed us with a FAMILY OF 6!!!!

Then we were like wow, that was cool. We said an awesome prayer and decided to get on th metro to do some contacting. We didn't like the first tram we saw so we waited for the second one.... we aren't allowed to contact men and we were surrounded but them and young girls. But the man accross from us said... "Hi" ...ha, we were like "how did you know we spoke english? We didnt even say anything." He said it was Soeur Hilton's last name. He said Kohlert could have been german but he put his money on Hilton. So we started talking and we got off the tram and he was with his 2 daughters, son and wife coming back from mass. IT WAS POURING outside and so we all waited in the metro and talked for like 15 or 20 min. The girls just LOVED us and the 18 yearold son blushed when we told him he was intelligent for knowing 4 languages. We gave them a family proclomation and they said we could go visit them... unfortunately the number isn't working so that's a bummer.. but we didn't know that last night. They were SUCH A SOLID FAMILY!

Then we were like wow we stil have over an hour left of th night to go.. So we did some more contacting and got a phone call from the elders. So there is this woman in the ward who our mission president's wife found while she as serving in Rennes. She has been coming to church for 30 YEARS and hasn't wanted to get baptized... I told Soeur Hilton that which ever soeurs get to baptize her are the luciest soeurs ever. Ya, well yesterday, she told bishop she wants to be baptized and that only the two of us, the elders, and the ward mission leader can be at her baptism because of her anxiety problems..... HOW COOL IS THAT!!! WE GET TO BE THERE TO SEE the one and only ANNICK get baptized. Not even Soeur Poznanski gets to go! IT'S TOMORROW! Ya we definitely canceled all our plans to be there.

Then while I was on the phone, the lady walking next to us started to slow down her step so I pointed at Soeur Hilton to go talk to her and after I got off the phone we ended up sharing half of the first lesson and she too said that we can come back and talk more with her!!

AND.... on Saturday we had 2 BEAUTIFUL baptisms. Lucy was beaming the whole time and her husband and friend came. She was 10 minutes late so we were worried but it all went well. Gladys also told me that she was too afraid to go infront of everyone to get the Holy Ghost, but after a long convincing session; she decided to do it. Im nervous about her. I really feel like she wont stay active. Im trying to get her involved, but she has to do her part too!

Lucy's Baptism
Gladys' Baptism

So all in all, with Shainas baptism 2 Saturdays ago, Gladys and Lucy's last saturday, and Annick's tomorrow, that equals 4 baptisms in 10 days.

.......and there was a snail in our fridge..........

How cool is that?

God blesses us in our hardest times. I am sincerely grateful for the pioneers and the strength they give me.

Thanks for all of the support from everyone! Its been really needed!


Sœur Kohlert

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