Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 73: Just one proud and grateful missionary

Hey there e'rybody!
What an amazing week. Time is not slowing down one bit and my emotions are seriously ALL OVER THE PLACE. My "last times" are starting and i cant seem to find the breaks for the tears either. 

Sisters in Our Zone Going Home this Month

so GRANDMA! I got to have dinner with Marie Joseph, the mom of Beatrice, the french lady that you met in Saint George and her daughter Matilde. The first time that I saw her the first thing she said was, "I don't want to be converted." Haha I reassured her by letting her know that I just wanted to get to know her because of the crazy small coincidence that we just experienced (which i believe was completely planned out by the Lord). Anyways as we were eating, she told me that her grandson was going to be married in the Redland, California temple on Saturday! Perfect gospel convo starter! Well it turns out that they didn't understand at all why they couldn't enter the temple! So we were able to explain and then they asked us all sorts of questions. We had a really great conversation and I really felt that they felt the spirit! I'll be sure to see them again during the next 2 weeks. Thank you grandma! For the referral!!
We were able to fix a baptismal date with a daughter of a partial member family! If all goes well she will be baptized on August 9th! :)

Sister Zane, my Companion
Our very intellectual investigator, Amélie, discovered that Joseph Smith had multiple wives this week which allowed me to dive into studying polygamy. As I was studying I hit multiple road blocks where things simply just didnt make sense to me. I got to experience what it is like to study and pray in order to truely understand the scriptures. The good news is that my testimony that Joseph Smith truely is a prophet of God was only strengthened while studying.

I had one of the sweetest moments of my mission this weekend. Fabienne, who was baptized about a month ago, bore her testimony to me during a lesson. As she spoke the spirit just testified to me that he was proud of my work and I was just SO grateful to have been able to be a TINSY part of Fabienne's conversion. In tears she explained to me how much she loves the Book of Mormon. She cited scriptures in 3rd Nephi and explained to me how they apply perfectly to her life. She told me how she is addicted to doing family history and that she just feels specifically attired to a specific ancestor (i have no doubt that its the spirit pulling her to research him, I think that she will come across something that will be really important). And she started sharing the gospel! She talked to her brother and dad and is sending the elders to see them! On saturday she is having a dinner with all of her friends and she is planning on annoucing her baptism to them. She said, "Sœur Kohlert, I know that they are going to think Im crazy and that I joined a cult, but I simply don't care. The church is true and I have to tell them. I have to tell them not only because I want them to have the same joy that I have, but because God wants me to do so." I bawled like a baby. I can't explain the happiness I felt and how humble I felt to see the power of God change a life.

I know that you know, but I just have to tell you again, I LOVE THIS WORK! I LOVE MY MISSION. The experiences as a missionary are just too sweet.
See you in 14 days, unreal.
Sœur Kohlert

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