Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 74: I look back, and only see a field of roses

Hey family.

I can't believe that this is my last email!!! I seriously can't believe it. My dear friend Soeur Linton and I were talking and we realized that it has taken us 21 years and 18 months of a mission to really understand the gospel. And I can tell you, after all of the miles walked, doors knocked and the tears shed, that this gospel is true.

I am sorry that this email is going to be short, I had to deal with a lots of logistics and time is running short. But I just had to tell you that I know that the church is true. My mission has been the toughest, yet most rewarding experience of my life I have seen the hand of God everyday. I KNOW that He is there and that He loves us. I know that His love changes lives. It has changed mine and I have seen it change others. I KNOW that trials are necessary to bring us closer together and closer to HIM. 

I know that He gives us commandments because He loves us and He WANTS us to be happy. His commandments are simply there for our protection and growth. I have seen how families are blessed as they live by them and I have also seen families who struggle because of a lack of simple effort. 

Ha I've learned that all I need is 3 suitcases, a violin, and the gospel. Truly anything is possible through the atonement.

Soeur Nielson shared a parable with me that I love and I can testify that its true. A mission is like walking through a field of roses. As you are crossing, it is full of pain from the thorns scraping your body, but as you get to the end and look back, all you see is a sea of beautiful, red roses. Its so true. As I look back I don't really remember the trials and heartaches. Yet the sweet moments, that seem to be always accompanied by the spirit, are so vivid and so full of joy. 

I love my mission. I would never do it again, but I don't regret a second of it. I love it. If it weren't for you all, I would never want to leave it.

I LOVE YOU and Ill see you next week!!

Soeur Kohlert

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